Artist : K-muse

Musical instrument : K-HYUN31 White
Song : 'Snow White' ost
Artist : K-muse

Musical instrument: K-HYUN31
                                     Special edition
                                     Acoustic F key
Song : K-POP '당부'
Artist: Yaanee

Musical instrument: K-HYUN31 Cobalt blue
Song: ‘Für Elise’
Artist: younga.han

Musical instrument: K-HYUN31 Cobalt blue
                                      K-HYUN17 Black
Song: Forever
Artist: younga.han

Musical instrument: K-HYUN31 Cobalt Blue
Song: Fly me to the moon

Artist: younga.han

Musical instrument: K-HYUN17 Black
Song: Once upon a dream
This is a video clip of K-Hyun's performance covered by EBS, an educational broadcasting station in Korea.
SALLY, the performer, plays many musical instruments besides K-Hyun with sensuous performances.